FIWMD Commissioner Election

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to elect one commissioner for a five-year term
commencing January 1, 2025


  • Every individual who is both a resident of Fishers Island and a registered voter of Southold Town, NY is eligible to hold the office of FIWMD Commissioner.
  • Nominations must be submitted as a petition with the signatures of at least 25 registered voters of Southold Town, NY to Beth Stern or Josh Theodore in the FIWMD Office, 2760 Whistler Ave., Fishers Island, NY 06390 no later than 12 pm December 2, 2024.
  • Commissioner Petitions are available at the FIWMD Office and on the Elections page of this website.


  • All registered voters of Fishers Island, Town of Southold are eligible to vote.
  • In-person voting: 6-9 pm December 10, 2024, at FI Community Center, 66 Hound Lane, Fishers Island, New York
  • Absentee voting: Absentee Ballot request and details available at FIWMD Office and on the Elections page of this website.

Thank you in advance for your participation!


Kate Stevens, Chair
Gordon Murphy, Treasurer
Sarah Malinowski, Secretary
Mere Doyen, Community Liaison
David Burnham

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