FIWMD Commissioner Elections
FIWMD Invites you to consider giving back to the community as a Fishers Island Waste Management District Commissioner.
- The FIWMD Commissioner election takes place annually, on the second Tuesday in December.
- Commissioners serve for a five-year term commencing January 1st following the election.
- All registered voters of Southold Town, NY are eligible to vote in the Commissioner Elections.
- All residents of Fishers island who are also registered voters of Southold Town, NY are eligible candidates for FIWMD Commissioner.
- By resolution of the Commissioners, nominations are submitted in petition form, signed by twenty-five (25) registered voters of Southold Town, NY.
- Petition forms and absentee ballot requests can be obtained from the FIWMD Office and this website.
- Candidate nominations, as well as election dates, deadlines, and results will be posted on this website and in public locales and sites.