HELP dramatically reduce the Municipal Solid Waste shipped off Fishers Island by separating food scraps from household trash.
BENEFITS include:
- the decreased financial and environmental cost of transporting MSW to the mainland
- lighter, drier household trash
- free, island-made, self-serve compost
Your complementary FIWMD 7-gallon green bucket with easy-peel lid and compostable bags is available for pick up at the Compost Station
- provides secure storage OUTSIDE for food scraps and facilitates transport to the Compost Station
- perfect for transporting compost home with you
A small kitchen countertop container with a lid, of which there are plenty of options on the market, can capture the food scraps INSIDE your home during meal prep/clean up.

- fruit + vegetables
- bread, pasta, rice, grains
- dairy
- meat + fish
- bones, eggshells, soft seafood shells
- coffee grounds
- tea bags
- fat + grease
(separate for processing)
- oyster, clam, mussel shells
- cooking oil
- compostable tableware
- used paper goods (coffee filters, paper towels, napkins)
- baby/hand wipes
- human/animal waste (diapers, cat litter, dog poop bags, etc.)
- glass
- medicine
- plastic
- Polystyrene/Styrofoam
- rubber bands